2009年6月24日 星期三

iBBS 1.5 user guide

After recent hard work, iBBS 1.5 has been finally completed. I will briefly describe the major improvement and new gesture support.

(1)Increase the resolution of main BBS view by 1.5x, now user can see more beautiful and clearer text and ASCII-arts. However, you can also shrink the view to original resolution and make it fit the entire screen by zoom-in gesture.

(2)Solve bug of Chinese character input in iBBS 1.0. User can easily write article or chat in Chinese on BBS site by iBBS 1.5 now.

(3)add gesture support, which make user surf BBS site easier and more intuitively.

(4)add web view support, you can link to web page via BBS site.

new gesture:
(1)"Zoom in/out" gesture to adjust BBS view size, it is the same as you do in default iPod/iPhone photo viewer.

(2)"Tap double": (a) you can quickly tap item you want to surf two times, then cursor will easily move to the item.

For example:

(b) you can quickly tap URL you want to surf two times, then link to the web page.

For Example:

(3)"Swipe Up/Down/Right/Left" to do Page Up/Down/Right/Left
note: Because iBBS 1.5 must recognize "Swipe" gesture
accurately, you must fix BBS view by touching bottom-left
corner of the screen while making "Swipe" gesture.

Please see the below picture.

(4)"Chinese character input": After you write Chinese
character you want to input, there has a button with
the character you write, then touch it to finish the character

For example:

Now you can enjoy the fun of BBS site by iBBS 1.5, if you have any
question or suggestion, don't hesitate to contact me

2 則留言:

  1. 请问iBBS没有支持注音/拼音输入法么?另外可否自行设定横屏的方向?比如对于我这样有些怪癖的人来说,呵呵(向右翻转90º一直让我拿着iphone的时候有些不舒服的感觉)

  2. Yong 你好:
    目前中文只支援手寫辨識輸入, 注音和拼音下個版本才會加入, 不過最近很忙, 可能不會那麼快支援了
