2011年3月3日 星期四

iphone useful and funny camera app: KineticCam

Are you still troubled with your camera's incapability of capturing motion pictures. KineticCam definitely can solve this issue. Only a few simple steps, it can assist you to capture any pretty and funny motion pictures.


1.touch an object you want to capture in your iphone screen to lock it. You can lock at most three objects. Note: Features and color profile of the locked object must have strong contrast to background to help KineticCam identify and lock the object. Face is a good object to lock.

2.touch the screen edge to set a limit or threshold. Touch left or right edge of the screen to set horizontal limit, up or down edge to set vertical limit. Hint: If you are not satisfied with your setting, you could touch the lock icon to unlock object, touch the limit icon to eliminate the limit setting.

3.When the locked object reach the limit, KineticCam will instantly take continuous six shots to capture this important moment. Capturing people's jump is a good application of KineticCam. Note: You must take pictures in a environment which have enough lights to get the best photo quality.

還在為相機無法正確捕捉到人們運動時重要的畫面而感到煩惱嗎? KineticCam絕對可以解決此問題, 只要簡單幾個步驟, 就可以輔助你拍攝到美麗又好玩的一瞬間。

1.在螢幕上點擊想要拍攝的人物或物體就可以鎖定目標, 一次最多可以鎖定三個. 注意:被鎖定目標的特徵和顏色, 必須要和背景有足夠的對比, KineticCam才可以正確辨識並鎖定, 人物的臉部就是一個不錯的目標。

2.點擊螢幕的邊緣以設定界限, 點擊螢幕左右邊緣, 設定水平界限, 點擊螢幕上下邊緣, 設定垂直界線。提示:當您對設定不滿意時, 只要點擊鎖定圖示, 就可以消除鎖定, 點擊界限圖示, 即可消除界限設定。

3.當被鎖定目標, 運動並達到設定界限時, 相機就以極快速度連閃六下快門, 捕捉重要的瞬間。拍攝人們跳躍的動作就是KineticCam一個不錯的應用。提示:KineticCam必須要在光線充足的環境下才有最佳的拍攝效果。